Care Ministry | Hands for God (HFG)

HFG meets every first and third Monday of each month at 10:00AM in Room 126. The group is always open to new members and no crafting or sewing experience is required. 

“Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s
grace in its various forms.”
1 Peter 4:10

The Bible instructs us to use our gifts to serve others, and the Hands for God Ministry does just that. Started by Brenda McKeraghan in 2012 to be a “light in our community,” the group has grown to many special people who use their talents to create beautiful and unique items to share with members of the community. On every first and third Monday of the month, the ladies meet at CFMC to create items, such as hats, scarves, lapghans, dolls, and critters. Each item receives a tag with a scripture verse identifying the HFG Ministry. These items bring comfort and joy to people of all ages and with different needs throughout the community.

The group views their time together to be a ministry to each other as well, by enjoying great fellowship and sharing their joys and sorrows!

God uses their talents to impact the lives of the following recipients:

- CFMC members and friends: As needed or requested by Susan Brown, Congregational Care Minister.
- They give blankets to babies who are baptized in the church.
- Canton Nursing Home: Items for their Christmas Gift Program.
- Canton Police Department: Animals & dolls, called “Cruiser Critters,” given by officers to children in crisis situations.
- Cherokee Cancer Center: Hats, scarves, and lapghans for Infusion Center.
- Downs Syndrome Program: Hats and blankets for ages up to 12 years.
- Fresenius Medical Center: Lapghans, hats, and arm warmers for dialysis patients.
- Georgia Cancer Specialty Center: Hats, scarves, and lapghans.
- Goshen Valley Boys Ranch: Hats, scarves, miscellaneous items for 10-18, hosting an annual party to present items.
- Highland River Recovery Center: Men’s hats and scarves.
- Must Ministries: Assorted items as needed.
- Northside Angel Program: Blankets and hats for stillborn infants who “have their wings.”
- Wildwood Nursing Home, Jasper, GA: Miscellaneous items.

The HFG Ministry is always open to meet other needs in the community as well.

© 2025 Canton First Methodist Church   |   930 Lower Scott Mill Rd, Canton, GA US 30115