Intentional Community Resources

Books and Studies

The books and studies can be found at these links, but feel free to purchase from another vendor/site if you'd like: 


Spiritual Partners: Search out a spiritual partner who will commit to meeting with you regularly and help you grow in your relationship with Jesus. It could be an older person or a peer. Set up a consistent time to meet together. It could be through e-mail conversation or in person. This needs to be a person with whom you can openly share your struggles and ask for prayer, discuss behaviors you need to change and want to be held accountable for, share devotional insights you have learned in your personal study of Scriptures, and talk about general life issues.

Connect Groups and Life Groups: Connect Groups are short-term (8-10 weeks) commitments with others who want to explore what it means to live in intentional Christian community. They study a book of the Bible together and discuss how to apply it to their life. Life Groups are long term commitments with a group of 10-12 people who study scripture, serve the community and church, and grow in their faith together. If you are interested in joining a Connect Group or Life Group email us at .

Seek Reconciliation: For many of us, there are strains in our relationships that come from false perceptions or hurts we have chosen to harbor instead of to heal. Take a look at your own life. Are there any strained relationships? Are you angry with someone else? Are you holding a grudge? Are you mad at God for not coming through for you? Are you always critical of yourself and others? As you reflect on your answers to these questions (there may be other questions you think of), make it a point to seek to be reconciled to people you are separated from because of these issues. You may want to talk with a counselor or your pastor before you seek reconciliation.

How Do You Relate? What relational problems are unmanageable for you? Are there patterns in your relationships that you repeat over and over again? What bad habits do you bring to your relationships? Many of us experience relational problems due to the ways we relate to others. Make it a point to explore these issues with a counselor, pastor, or spiritual partner.

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