Motor Skills


Room 118

TeacherAudrey Yarbrough

Audrey has worked with youth and young children through volunteer positions at her church as well as other local churches. She is a mom to three children: two have attended the preschool, and her youngest is currently attending.  This is her second-year teaching at CFMC Preschool, and she is very excited. She loves building relationships with the kids and watching them grow.

Music Teacher 


Room 116


Teacher: Sydney White

This is Ms. Sydney’s first year as the preschool music teacher, and her first teaching job out of college! She has three years of experience teaching children, and absolutely loves the opportunity to walk with them as they grow in their faith and knowledge. She hopes this year that she can leave her students with a love for music like the one her music teachers helped her develop from a young age. Sydney has a dual degree in Musical Theater and Vocal Performance and is going to be pursuing a pedagogy certification while she teaches this next year at a local college. She also teaches private voice and piano lessons to kiddos and adults at a local studio, and at home! Any opportunity to teach and share her love of music is so fulfilling to her!



Teacher: Audrey Yarbrough

Audrey has worked with youth and young children through volunteer positions at her church as well as other local churches. She is a mom to three children: two have attended the preschool, and her youngest is currently attending.  This is her second-year teaching at CFMC Preschool, and she is very excited. She loves building relationships with the kids and watching them grow.

Science | STEM


 Room 100

Teacher: Laila Smith

Laila holds a BS in Biology and a Master of Science in Biology. She has over 15 years of experience teaching children and young adults. She has been at CFMC Preschool for 4 years, and all four of her children graduated from the Preschool. Her favorite part about working with children is experiencing their enthusiasm for life. Children are like sponges, soaking up everything around them! 

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